What Do You Do With a Child Throwing a Temper Tantrum?

- مقدم من المستخدم

So what a temper tantrum is usually a, a child's way of saying, I want to do something different. I want it, it's not fair. The way you did this isn't right. And so anger in and of itself, if we were, if we're parents trying to understand it, why is the child angry? And, and so I would, I would want to understand, okay, so we talked about this consequence and now you're angry, but you're not gonna be able to negotiate with a child who's throwing a full blown temper tantrum. Trying to talk with them in that elevated state is not gonna be very productive. And so we might try other things. Look, I want to talk with you, but I can't right now 'cause I know you're really upset at me. So I'd like you to think about this and then let's come back and let's talk through what you're experiencing now you're modeling for a child how we don't escalate into conflict, but how we communicate when there is frustration. And so I think the question about what do we do with the child in a full body temper tantrum, uh, the truth is, is I, I want to communicate with you right now is probably not the best time. So when you wanna talk about this, you've thought through it to come to me and I'd love to resolve it. And, and so we literally just allow them to be there and, and, and recognize that they're not gonna get attention for that kind of behavior.

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تمت الإجابة عن طريق:

صورة Dr. Kevin Skinner

د. كيفن سكينر