Parenting webinars to guide your way.

Led by experts, our “Mental Health Series” offer a deep dive into specific topics in an interactive seminar environment.

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Session 1 – De-escalating Cycles of Conflict

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Some parents feel like they’re stuck in a constant cycle of conflict with their children. Learn strategies to have more calm and productive conversations with your children by breaking the cycles of conflict.

Session 2 – De-escalating Cycles of Conflict

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Some parents feel like they’re stuck in a constant cycle of conflict with their children. Learn strategies to have more calm and productive conversations with your children by breaking the cycles of conflict.

Session 1 – Compassionate Parenting and Self-Compassion

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The way we express compassion to ourselves is a model for our children. Would you like to be kinder and more compassionate toward yourself, your children, and those around you? Join us as we learn what compassionate parenting looks like and practical tools and exercises you can do to develop more self-compassion.

Session 2 – Compassionate Parenting and Self-Compassion

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The way we express compassion to ourselves is a model for our children. Would you like to be kinder and more compassionate toward yourself, your children, and those around you? Join us as we learn what compassionate parenting looks like and practical tools and exercises you can do to develop more self-compassion.

Session 1 – Grief: The Healing Process after Loss

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Grief is a lifelong process that allows us to heal from our losses and redefine ourselves into the present. Learn from Dr. Ayanna Abrams and Dr. Ted Wiard as they explain the 5 phases of grief and the importance of experiencing each phase to start the healing process. Learn what is normal, how grief builds […]

Hawaii – Everyday Happiness

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us as we learn more about everyday happiness and how each one of us has the power to change your thinking patterns into more positive thoughts. Learn about positive and negative patterns and a simple

Session 2 – Grief: The Healing Process after Loss

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Grief is a lifelong process that allows us to heal from our losses and redefine ourselves into the present. Learn from Dr. Ayanna Abrams and Dr. Ted Wiard as they explain the 5 phases of grief and the importance of experiencing each phase to start the healing process. Learn what is normal, how grief builds […]

Session 1 – Everyday Happiness

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us as we learn more about everyday happiness and how each one of us has the power to change your thinking patterns into more positive thoughts. Learn about positive and negative patterns and a simple technique that will help you replace negative thoughts and generate more happiness in your life.

Sesión 1 – Por qué nuestros hijos se autolesionan

Virtual Event Virtual Event

¿Qué pueden hacer los padres si tienen un hijo que se autolesiona? Esa puede ser una experiencia aterradora, confusa y difícil de comprender. Conéctese por Zoom para aprender herramientas que le permitan saber por qué sucede esto y qué puede resultar útil.

Session 2 – Everyday Happiness

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us as we learn more about everyday happiness and how each one of us has the power to change your thinking patterns into more positive thoughts. Learn about positive and negative patterns and a simple technique that will help you replace negative thoughts and generate more happiness in your life.

Sesión 2 – Por qué nuestros hijos se autolesionan

Virtual Event Virtual Event

¿Qué pueden hacer los padres si tienen un hijo que se autolesiona? Esa puede ser una experiencia aterradora, confusa y difícil de comprender. Conéctese por Zoom para aprender herramientas que le permitan saber por qué sucede esto y qué puede resultar útil.