Is Fentanyl Problem? How do I talk about it?

- User Submitted

We are hearing fentanyl is an issue in our town. I have kids starting middle school. What do I say to my child? Do we talk about it? And if so, how? Alright, so the answer to the question is yes, absolutely. Positively, a thousand percent if I can. And fentanyl is a, the most, um, we'll, we'll just put it this way. Fentanyl is the largest killer of, in our United States, among our youth, the pills are overcoming. The drugs are, uh, coming into the country. They look like candy. They're colored. They're, they're, but one pill can kill. And, and it's not, it is, absolutely. That is not a thing that I'm exaggerating. It's absolutely true. So great. You never take the pill, ever, ever. And, and, uh, I can't say that more strongly. Go do the research on it. Share the research with your child or children. And the reason why is we need to educate them. They, they, if they understood that there, there is seriously, one pill has killed thousands and thousands and thousands of others. And so we can't afford to ignore this one. This is one that I've had conversations with my children about, whether it's at a party and somebody says, Hey, just take this if it's great, or make you feel this. The thing is, is people aren't waking up. And so this is what I'm very adamant about because I'm very concerned, very concerned that, that we aren't talking enough about it. And so my invitation here is, let's start talking about it. Make sure that we're educating. So yes, talk about it, and then do some of your own research so you understand how to best talk with your child about that. There's one thing I would say is get the information presented to your child, not in a way of, don't ever do this, but in a way that let's talk about what's happening. This is the highest, this is the highest killer among people your age. Let me speak, tell you why, and, and educate them. Because if children understand things and they're educated, it's not just saying, we don't do that. It's, here's the information about it. I love you so much and I want to warn you and give you as much caution as possible.

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Picture of Dr. Kevin Skinner

Dr. Kevin Skinner