My Child Doesn’t Like to Ride the Bus

- User Submitted

My child has an aversion to riding on the bus. As far as I know, nothing has happened on the bus. Hmm. Could be the problem. So, well, I don't necessarily know that. I, I do know that one of the things I might do is there's an aversion there. Um, I would probably try to contact the bus driver and see if we could create, create some type of a incentive to get the child more comfortable with the bus. I would might also find a friend that could be on the bus with my child. So I would try to get external support, a friend or friend and a bus driver who's engaged in this simple things. Hey, grace, I'm so excited you're on the bus. It's good to see you. That simple by name invitation can go a long ways in helping a child feel comfortable. If the child does not feel comfortable, then, okay, is there a way to get a seat where that child is in a place where they do feel comfortable? Now, these are simple suggestions, but creating an environment where the child feels comfortable getting on a bus, creating an environment where the child can, um, have a friend. Those are things that I would see if I could create. So it's no longer about the bus because I got a friend on there, or I got a, a bus driver who's friendly, and, and again, it's just a, Hey, grace. Hey Tommy, hey Steven. Hey Stephanie. Right? Whatever it may be. It's, it's by name. You're a person being intentional about that. Now, again, you can't control what happens on the bus, but what you can do is help your child face their face, their fears and, and helping them think through that. And then sometimes creating an environment where they have more opportunity to be in a safe environment. Remember, safety is when we connect. Um, is, is your child not feeling safe? Even though you may not know anything, I wonder has something happened? If nothing has happened, then we say, okay, let's just talk. What do you mo? What's the most concerned about getting on the bus? What could happen? Or what if we played a game on the bus? I want you to play a game with me, okay? And the game I want you to play is when you get on the bus, I want you to tell me how many kids are on the bus. And I want you to tell me something about that bus bride today that you found funny or something that you found maybe a little bit scary. Notice I did both of them. Scary. Okay. What was scary? Now you've got a voice of, oh, I was scared of this, or Funny this happened on the bus. So give them something to, to think about and I think you'll have a better outcome, at least starting. And then I would reach out to friends and the bus driver if possible.

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Picture of Dr. Kevin Skinner

Dr. Kevin Skinner