Como posso ajudar o meu filho adolescente com a auto-motivação?

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How do I help my teen with self-motivation? You know, I, I think there's something interesting about that, um, motivation in and of itself is, if you think about it, what is, what motivates me to be a better human being? It it, and we're gonna go to something that we've talked about in many different situations. What helps somebody motivate them is actually a growth mindset. I need to have some success. I need to be someone. If I have someone saying, Hey, you did a good job. That's motivational. So motivation may require us in the beginning to help them develop the skill. I'll give you an example of that. If I try something and I fail, try and fail, I might conclude I just can't do this. But with a little bit of extra time supports education information, I can shift from, I didn't know how to do that, to I now understand now, once I understand, my confidence begins to grow, my understanding grows, and I get more motivated to succeed because I've experienced the success that comes with it. So that to me, if, if you wanna get motivation, the core principles here, you may need to help them in the beginning to develop that energy. Once they get the momentum, encourage, support, validate, and once they get that momentum, they start to do it on their own. And you wanna teach your children about the growth mindset. Uh, Carol Dweck wrote a wonderful book and it's called Mindset. It, it's fantastic. I think it's a book that every parent, every administrator should read because it's how we communicate with children. If you wanna understand motivation, it's really a growth mindset. In contrast with what they refer to as a fixed mindset, help our children develop a growth mindset, would be my answer.

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Dr. Kevin Skinner