Como ajudar uma criança em idade pré-escolar a adaptar-se a um novo horário

- User Submitted

My daughter is three years old and starting preschool in August. I'm concerned about her adjusting to a new schedule more specifically because she's left-handed. Well, hallelujah. I love left-handers. I'm left-handed, so I actually am left-handed. Now, one of the things that I would say is there's nothing to be concerned about in terms of the left-handedness. It maybe, maybe it's adjusting, but, but the other part of it is sometimes our, uh, desks are not made left-hand. So it's, it, again, it's a 3-year-old. I would not be afraid. I would let the teacher know. And then the other part of it is, is adjusting for a three-year old that, because every time a three-year-old has But if they're familiar with the other kids or, or at least other children, it's gonna be a more po is a more effective and better outcome. And the reason why is because you're helping them adjust to this new climate and you're helping them, uh, learn how to interact Then with the left-handed thing, you can talk with the teacher, but, uh, I'm gonna say being left-handed is must, uh, in, in, in Orient in Asia, they actually say people who use their left hand use the right part of their brain. It's, it's actually a true thing, but it's kind of upon the right part of the brain.

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Dr. Kevin Skinner