has free online resources where parents can get trusted support and real help for their children.

Get accurate information on specific questions backed by experts in parenting and mental health.

Families are 10x more likely to access mental health services through their school.

80% of families rely on schools for their children’s mental health support.

1 in 7 US kids and teens experience mental health disorders.

50% of parents worry that their child is struggling but don’t know what to do.

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Professional Development for Staff

Talk to one of our school advocates to get these services for your school.

Educators can help in getting resources to their student's parents.

For parents, knowing where to go when your child is facing a mental health challenge can be very challenging. Educators around the country share as the first place to go to get trusted support and advice and resources.

When parents need answers about their child’s mental health they need it right then. This is why schools and districts around the country make sure to add the medallion to their school sites. 80% of families rely on their children’s school first when it comes to tackling mental health challenges.

Educators know is a trusted resource for parents and they know the best way to get the resource to parents is a direct link on the website.

Educators can help in getting resources to their student's parents.

Prominently displaying your medallion will give parents easy access to free mental health resources.

Download your medallion

Display a medallion of your choice on a page where parents can find it easily and have quick access. It would be ideal to have it on the district and school front page and also under parent resources.