How Much Should I Tell My Childs Teacher About Their Mental Health?

- User Submitted

How much do I tell my child's teacher about her mental health? I don't want them to treat her differently. Teachers today are more aware of mental health needs. So I, I, again, I don't know specifically the mental health issue, say it's anxiety or social anxiety for sure. I would want my teacher, my child's teacher, to know that my child has, uh, social anxiety or if my child, let's say they have a DHD, I absolutely would want the teacher to know about A DHD. So, I guess it depends on the specifics of what mental health challenges, but I think having a one-to-one and an honest conversation just saying, Hey, can you just be an observer with me and help, you know, along these lines, here's some of the things that we do know my child's struggling with. Um, I think that that could be a very helpful conversation and help the teacher be more sensitive to, to your child's needs. Now again, some people say, I don't wanna talk. I don't want my child to be judged. But, but again, if there's an awareness, your, the teacher can be aware and say, oh, I see what's happening. Let me intervene or let me contact you as a parent. Here's what I'm observing at school. If you can coordinate that kind of parent child, teacher, child relationship, I think you have a potential for it being a better school year for your child.

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Dr. Kevin Skinner