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Hawaii – Xây dựng sự tự tin cho con bạn

Thứ ba, Tháng mười hai 17 @ 7:00 chiều - 8:00 chiều HST

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In this session, we’ll focus on the importance of fostering a healthy identity in children and draw on the extensive experience of Dr. Skinner, who emphasizes the significance of adult behavior and interaction with children.


By incorporating key insights, parents and caregivers can create a supportive and nurturing environment that fosters a healthy identity in children. Remember, the most important thing is to be there for your child, offering love, support, and guidance as they navigate the world and discover who they are.

Chi tiết

Thứ ba, Tháng mười hai 17
Thời gian:
7:00 chiều - 8:00 chiều HST
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