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Buổi 1 – Nuôi dạy con cái từ bi và lòng trắc ẩn với bản thân

Thứ ba, Tháng mười hai 17 @ 7:00 chiều - 8:00 chiều EST

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In this session on Compassionate Parenting and Self-Compassion, with insights from Dr. Ayanna Abrams and Dr. Paul Parkin, we delve into how nurturing self-compassion can significantly impact parenting. The discussion highlights the importance of modeling compassion through positive and consistent interactions with children, rather than resorting to empty threats. 


Dr. Abrams highlights that how we treat ourselves affects our parenting. Dr. Parkin offers tools for self-compassion, such as visualization, supportive self-talk, and basic self-care. These strategies promote self-kindness and resilience, enhancing empathy and understanding in parenting and caregiving.

Chi tiết

Thứ ba, Tháng mười hai 17
Thời gian:
7:00 chiều - 8:00 chiều EST
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