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Buổi 1 – Nói chuyện với con bạn về nội dung khiêu dâm

Thứ ba, Tháng mười một 26 @ 7:00 chiều - 8:00 chiều EST

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In this session, Dr. DeVon Mills, a seasoned therapist and educator, provides insight into the critical topic of pornography and its impact on children. The discussion is divided into two main areas: preparation and prevention, and how to support and heal if a child has already been exposed.

With a focus on educating parents about the evolving digital landscape and effective communication strategies, Dr. Mills provides insights on when and how to address pornography with children. The session also includes practical tips for managing accidental exposure, fostering open dialogue, and seeking professional help if needed.

Chi tiết

Thứ ba, Tháng mười một 26
Thời gian:
7:00 chiều - 8:00 chiều EST
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