How Do I Help My Teen Who Feels Like She Lost All Her Friends?

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A teenager is having friendship trouble after a breakup with a boyfriend. She says all her friends were his friends, and now she has no friends. How do I help my high school senior? She seems alone. Well, boy, my heart goes out to her, right? I mean, all my friends were his friends. Uh, and did they all side with him? I, I mean, I guess, I guess it's a part of it all. Did all of 'em go that way? Uh, I, I think two things, uh, come to my mind here is it's, it's your opportunity to help your child feel loved and feel like you're validated. But that loneliness, uh, when you have a relationship breakup, the first thing I would wanna do is create an environment where my child can talk with me. And one of the reasons why this one's so important is all of a sudden that friendship is, is no longer there. And some of those friendships sounds like they're not there either. So, again, everybody tick. Not Han said, everybody needs somebody. And in this situation, as a parent, you are that somebody, yes, you've been there all along. Maybe they don't want to and talk with you, but right now your ability to stay attuned to them, be aware of their needs. How are you holding up? I'm just, I'm, I'm worried about you. I'm concerned, you know, what's happening as they get ready to go back to school, you know, you know that those friendships are gonna be different. So again, I it may be an encouragement of are there other friends or, or friends before they were dating this person that they could begin hanging out with again? So again, we're looking at possible solutions there, uh, previous friends or developing new friendships. And, and again, I know that you've already thought through that, but the question is, is does your child have the courage? And this is what you're trying to teach them to bounce back from adversity. Resiliency is what you're looking at here and helping your child develop this sense of resiliency, of look in life. We're gonna have these types of experiences. And in your confidence that we move through this, this is what our family does, is we learn to go through difficult times. And I'm here for you, right? If you're ever having a hard time, don't hesitate to come talk to me. And if you have had a personal experience where you've lost friends or you've had a relationship breakup it, that's an openness of, you know, when I was your age, I had X, y, z experience. And so in some ways, not always, but in some ways, I may be able to relate with what you're experiencing. And, and here's some of the things that I did or that I found helpful. I don't know. What are your thoughts? And that's how I would, I would approach this.

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