
Mental Health Series is 32 live and record webinars that focuses on mental health topics for both parents and children. Topic such as how to prevent suicide, stoping the cycle of bullying, LGBTQ issues.

June 4 5PM ET

Child Anxiety

In this session, we’ll explore the complexities of bullying, drawing attention to its detrimental effects and offering actionable insights for intervention. You will learn the true definition of bullying, and we’ll discuss the warning signs, both physical and emotional.

Get more information about this topic. Watch a summary video, read current articles, or watch the recording of previous webinars

13 year old is Worried About All the Unrest in Our Country

June 7 5PM ET


In this session, we’ll explore the complexities of bullying, drawing attention to its detrimental effects and offering actionable insights for intervention. You will learn the true definition of bullying, and we’ll discuss the warning signs, both physical and emotional.

Get more information about this topic. Watch a summary video, read current articles, or watch the recording of previous webinars

How to Help Your Child Deal with a Bully

June 10 5PM ET


In this session, we’ll explore the complexities of bullying, drawing attention to its detrimental effects and offering actionable insights for intervention. You will learn the true definition of bullying, and we’ll discuss the warning signs, both physical and emotional.

Get more information about this topic. Watch a summary video, read current articles, or watch the recording of previous webinars

How Can I Get My Child to Tell Me the Truth?

Key Takeaways for Parents


Definition of Bullying:

Bullying is a persistent misuse of power or causes harm, which can occur in various settings, including school, social media, sports, and even within families.


Recognizing Bullying:

Look out for power differentiation, repeated incidents, and intentional harm as key aspects to identify bullying behavior.


Signs of Bullying:

Warning signs include changes in mood or personality, physical symptoms like headaches or stomach aches, and refusal to go to school.


Effects of Bullying:

Bullying has short and long-term effects, leading to isolation, depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It affects self-esteem and can persist into adulthood.


Understanding Bullies:

Bullies often struggle with low self-esteem, lack of empathy, and seek power and control to compensate for their own feelings of inadequacy.


Effective Communication:

Open, calm communication with children is essential to understanding and addressing bullying concerns without causing them to withdraw.


Preventing Bullying:

Parents can prevent bullying by educating children, fostering positive role models, building self-confidence, and actively engaging in their children's online experiences.


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