
This session, with insights from Dr. Melissa Lopez-Larson, addresses the critical issue of bullying across various contexts, including school, social media, sports, and within the home. It aims to educate parents on identifying and addressing bullying by understanding its key characteristics: power imbalance, repetition, and intentional harm.

The session emphasizes the importance of communication, awareness, and empowerment in preventing and stopping the bullying cycle. Parents are encouraged to create a supportive environment, both online and offline, and to actively engage in their children’s lives to foster resilience and positive relationships.





Recognize Bullying

Bullying involves a power imbalance, repeated harmful actions, and intentionality — different from isolated meanness or arguments.

Watch for Signs

Major changes in mood, personality, or physical health could signal bullying; open conversations are crucial.

Build Confidence

Engage your child in activities they enjoy to boost confidence, and surround them with supportive peers.

Use Effective Communication

Ask direct questions about bullying, listen calmly, and avoid overreacting to encourage open dialogue with your child.

Be Aware of Cyberbullying

Stay involved in your child's online life; set guidelines and encourage open communication about their digital experiences.

Address Sports Bullying

Recognize and report bullying in sports, whether from peers or coaches, to maintain a positive environment.

Empower Your Child

Teach assertiveness and encourage them to speak up against bullying, fostering resilience and self-esteem.

Create a Safe Home

Foster a supportive home environment by addressing any unkind or hostile behaviors within the family.

Prevent Bullying

Educate your child about bullying, encourage positive role models, and be actively involved in their social interactions.

5 Ways to Help Combat Bullying

  1. Educate your children: Engage in age-appropriate conversations about what bullying is, its effects, and how to respond if they witness or experience it. Provide examples and encourage questions to ensure they fully understand the concept.

  2. Talk openly and frequently: Create a safe space for discussions about their experiences, emotions, and any concerns they may have regarding bullying. Encourage them to share openly without fear of judgment and reassure them of your support and willingness to listen.

  3. 成为榜样: Demonstrate positive behaviors and communication skills in your interactions with others, showing your child how to handle conflicts and treat others with kindness and respect. Lead by example, as children often emulate the behaviors they see in adults.

  4. Help your child be a role model: Encourage your child to stand up for others and to be inclusive, fostering a culture of compassion and understanding.

  5. Build your child’s self-confidence: Support your child’s interests and strengths, providing opportunities for them to excel and feel accomplished. Offer praise and encouragement for their efforts and achievements, helping them develop a strong sense of self-worth and resilience.




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