التعرف على الإدمان لدى المراهقين: 6 علامات رئيسية

Adolescence is a period of immense growth and change, both physically and emotionally. However, it’s also a time when some children may be susceptible to addictive behaviors that can have lasting consequences. While traditionally the word addiction may immediately trigger associations with substance abuse, any behavior that’s taken to an extreme can become unhealthy, including social media use, gaming, preoccupation with weight, and obsessive perfectionism.

إن التعرف على علامات الإدمان لدى المراهقين أمر بالغ الأهمية بالنسبة للآباء والأصدقاء ومقدمي الرعاية لتقديم الدعم والتدخل المبكر، وهناك أعراض شائعة للمساعدة في تحديد هذه المشكلات ومعالجتها.

Recognizing Addiction in Adolescents: 6 Key Signs

6 Symptoms of Addiction in Adolescents

Before we dive into potential signs of addiction, it’s worth noting that teenagers’ moods and behaviors can be unpredictable simply because of biological changes happening in their bodies and their daily struggles to cope with sometimes overwhelming emotions and circumstances.

Given this, it’s important to pay attention to patterns and changes in behavior in conjunction with other warning signs of addiction. Also, mental health struggles often go hand-in-hand with addiction. If you’re worried about a loved one’s mental wellbeing, you can learn more in our article How to Help Someone You Love with Depression.

1. Mood Swings and Personality Changes

One of the earliest indicators of addiction in adolescents is abrupt changes in personality. Teens dealing with addiction frequently exhibit mood swings and emotional instability. The impact of addictive behaviors on the brain’s reward system can lead to heightened emotional reactivity, resulting in sudden and extreme mood fluctuations (Gateway Foundation, 2022).

A teen with a gaming addiction may become unreasonable and lash out when asked to do a chore or go to a social function. Someone with a social media addiction might show signs of depression if their online activity doesn’t produce the desired response (Hilliard, 2023).

Teens may swing between periods of irritability, anxiety, and even euphoria, making it challenging for those around them to predict or understand their emotional state. These behavioral changes not only reflect their internal struggles with addiction but also serve as warning signs that those around them can observe to identify potential issues and initiate timely intervention and support.

2. Social Withdrawal and Isolation

One prominent shift that can raise concern is the withdrawal from established social circles and increased isolation. Teens engaged in addictive behaviors may distance themselves from longtime friends who may not share their newfound interests. Instead, they may solely associate with individuals who share their addiction.

In addition to changes in peer associations, adolescents with addiction frequently display a loss of interest in established hobbies. Activities that once brought joy and fulfillment may take a back seat to the demands of their addictive behaviors (Felman, 2018). The decline in participation in social events, sports, or other extracurricular activities is a noticeable red flag.

Disengagement from these positive social outlets further isolates teens from the supportive networks that could play a crucial role in helping them navigate the challenges of addiction. Recognizing these social changes is vital for parents and loved ones to intervene and steer the teen toward healthier social connections.

3. Physical Indicators

Addiction can manifest physically, and certain signs may be especially obvious if substance abuse is involved. One noticeable transformation is the neglect of personal hygiene. Teens immersed in addictive behaviors may prioritize their substance or activity of choice over basic self-care. Unkempt appearance, unwashed clothing, and overall neglect of personal hygiene become clear indicators of the impact of addiction.

The physical toll of addiction may become apparent through unhealthy changes in weight. Teens may experience sudden weight loss or gain, depending on the nature of their addiction. Substance abuse can impact appetite, leading to extreme fluctuations in body weight. Obsession with physical appearance may lead to an eating disorder that can cause life-threatening weight loss and even damage to internal organs (Mayo Clinic, 2018).

These changes can serve as visible warning signs. Being vigilant of these physical symptoms can help initiate conversations about the potential presence of addiction to address both the physical and emotional aspects of the child’s well-being.

4. Changes in Sleep Patterns

Changes in sleep patterns can be significant indicators of addiction in adolescents. Teens struggling with addiction may experience disruptions in their sleep, leading to noticeable changes in duration and quality.

Some individuals may grapple with insomnia, finding it difficult to initiate or maintain sleep due to the effects of substance use or the preoccupation with addictive behaviors (Valentino and Volkow, 2019). On the other hand, others may exhibit excessive sleep, using it as a form of escape or coping mechanism to avoid facing the challenges associated with their addictive habits.

Addiction often manifests as irregular sleep patterns. A teen with a gaming addiction may stay awake until the sun comes up only to sleep through the day, or a student who is terrified of failure may attempt to stay awake for multiple days to cram in one more study session.

These sleep disturbances may intensify the negative effects of addiction on cognitive function, emotional well-being, and overall health (Valentino and Volkow, 2019). Recognizing these sleep changes is essential to help restore healthy sleeping habits and to address the underlying addiction.

5. Defensiveness and Secrecy

Defensiveness and secrecy often become regular behaviors in adolescents struggling with addiction. As addiction tightens its grip, a teen may become defensive when questioned about their activities or whereabouts. This defensiveness serves as a protective mechanism to shield their addictive behaviors from scrutiny (Gateway Foundation, 2022).

Teens may avoid answering direct questions, deflecting attention away from certain topics. They may go to great lengths to conceal their habits, whether it involves hiding substances, deleting online activities, or lying about where and with whom they’ve been.

These behaviors make it challenging for parents or friends to initiate open and honest conversations, but they also may signal the presence of an underlying issue that requires sensitivity and support. Breaking through the teen’s barriers of denial can help encourage open dialogue about the challenges they’re facing.

6. Loss of Control

An addicted brain may find it increasingly challenging to resist the urge to engage in addictive habits, meaning a shift from voluntary enjoment to a compulsive need to give in to the behavior. A teen may express a desire to cut back or quit but repeatedly find themselves unable to do so.

“Instead of a simple, pleasurable surge of dopamine, many drugs of abuse—such as opioids, cocaine, or nicotine—cause dopamine to flood the reward pathway, 10 times more than a natural reward. The brain remembers this surge and associates it with the addictive substance” (YaleMedicine.com, 2022). The same responses can be true for heavy gamers (Kühn et al, 2011) and those addicted to social media (Hilliard, 2023).

Unfortunately, the reward for instant gratification slowly diminishes overtime. This can create a compulsive need to increase not only the frequency but also the intensity of the next high, leading to a vicious cycle of addictive behaviors that can escalate beyond the teen’s ability to control.


Recognizing addiction in adolescents requires vigilance and a proactive approach. By staying attuned to behavioral, physical, and social indicators, family and friends can play a pivotal role in identifying addiction early on. Intervening promptly with understanding, support, and professional guidance when needed can significantly improve the chances of successful rehabilitation and a healthier future for the adolescent.

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