
My Husband Lost His Job, What Do We Tell the Kids?

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My child is suicidal. What should I do to help?

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جينا ريمرسما

My 13-year-old attempted suicide. How do I handle the aftermath of this?

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جينا ريمرسما

I have an eight-year-old son that has difficulty sitting still and is difficult to calm. Over the past 6 months his agitation and aggression has increased.

تمت الإجابة عليه من قبل:

د. كيفن سكينر

Can I make my child not gay? Thoughts on conversion therapy and other forms of therapy.

تمت الإجابة عليه من قبل:

Devon Mills, PhD, LPC, CSAT-C

Newly navigating Sensory Processing Disorder with my 5-year-old. He needs more input than his teacher can focus on in our church preschool program. I’m considering pulling him out to homeschool. Is it more important for him to practice regulatory skills in a social setting or to be where someone can support his needs?

تمت الإجابة عليه من قبل:

د. كيفن سكينر

I caught my 11-year-old self-harming and I don’t know what to do.

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د. كيفن سكينر

My 15-year-old son has had anxiety since he was 10-years-old. He refused to attend school in 4th grade. What began as a few days off here and there grew to days, weeks, months, until we couldn’t get him out of the car. We tried working with the school psychologist, we even tried moving schools, but it didn’t work. He has started taking medication, which has helped a little. He spends most of his time in his room, barely interacts with the family and will not go to any family outings. I’m completely burned out.

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د. كيفن سكينر

My daughter is 13, was bullied at school and has become extremely disengaged. She is almost always alone in her room. After weeks of working with the school on a plan to ease her back in, she agreed to try going back to school for 2.5 hours. After I dropped her off, and made sure she would be okay, and she had a teacher supporting her, she ran away from school and called me. I wasn’t angry. We talked and she knows we are there for her. But I’m broken. What are some steps that we can take to help her heal so she can return to school and other activities she used to enjoy?

تمت الإجابة عليه من قبل:

د. كيفن سكينر

My teen is having major anxiety around school. I feel like whatever I try just makes it worse. What can I do to help?

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جينا ريمرسما

How do I get my kids to use inside voices? They never listen to me.

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جينا ريمرسما

Our 15.5 year old son has locked himself in his room for the past 6 months. He comes down to get food only if I (his mother) am not around and he only eats in his room. He locks his bedroom door and will not let anyone in. He will not talk to me, but will talk to his father and brother, but still only a little bit. He has punched holes in his walls. He has failed some of his classes. He will not talk to a therapist, though my husband has tried to get him to. What can we do?

تمت الإجابة عليه من قبل:

جينا ريمرسما

ماذا تفعل إذا رفض ابنك المراهق التحدث معك أو مع طبيبه النفسي؟ لقد عزل نفسه عن بقية أفراد الأسرة وأظهر الكثير من عدم الاحترام.

تمت الإجابة عليه من قبل:

د. كيفن سكينر

هل لديك سؤال لمعالجينا؟

يجيب معالجنا على الأسئلة الصعبة التي تراودك عن طفلك.


My Husband Lost His Job, What Do We Tell the Kids?

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How Do I Discuss Puberty With My Daughter?

How Do I Discuss Puberty With My Daughter?

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د. كيفن سكينر

How to Work With Your Child to Manage Smartphone Use

How to Work With Your Child to Manage Smartphone Use

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د. كيفن سكينر

What Do You Do With a Child Throwing a Temper Tantrum?

What Do You Do With a Child Throwing a Temper Tantrum?

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د. كيفن سكينر

Screen time and Aggression

How to Handle Screen Time and Aggression

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د. كيفن سكينر

How Can I Know My Child Better

How Can I Know My Child Better?

تمت الإجابة عليه من قبل:

د. كيفن سكينر

We caught our 16 year old son vaping and smoking pot. He’s says. It’s no big deal and doesn’t know why we’re up so upset. What should we do?

تمت الإجابة عليه من قبل:

د. كيفن سكينر

My 16-year-old son has developed such a high level of anxiety that he is unable to attend class or to do any schoolwork. I just don’t know what to do.

تمت الإجابة عليه من قبل:

د. كيفن سكينر

My 13-year-old son is acting very defiant. I feel he is getting out of control. How do I set boundaries?

تمت الإجابة عليه من قبل:

جينا ريمرسما

My 18-year-old son truly hates me. I try so hard to love him but nothing I do is right.

تمت الإجابة عليه من قبل:

د. كيفن سكينر

My teenage son is disengaged at school. He says that all subjects and the teachers are stupid.

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د. كيفن سكينر

My teenage daughter is beautiful inside and out. But lately, she wants to wear a shirt that is way too tight and hiking her skirt up.

تمت الإجابة عليه من قبل:

د. كيفن سكينر

هل لديك سؤال لمعالجينا؟

يجيب معالجنا على الأسئلة الصعبة التي تراودك عن طفلك.

هل تبحث عن مساعدة إضافية؟

سيعمل مدربونا الخبراء معك وجهاً لوجه أثناء تعاملك مع طفلك في تقلباته وتقلباته. قد تكون هذه الخدمات مجانية لك من خلال المنطقة التعليمية التابع لها طفلك.