Falar com o seu filho sobre pornografia

In this session, Dr. DeVon Mills, a seasoned therapist and educator, provides insight into the critical topic of pornography and its impact on children. The discussion is divided into two main areas: preparation and prevention, and how to support and heal if a child has already been exposed.

With a focus on educating parents about the evolving digital landscape and effective communication strategies, Dr. Mills provides insights on when and how to address pornography with children. The session also includes practical tips for managing accidental exposure, fostering open dialogue, and seeking professional help if needed.

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Principais conclusões


Start Early

Begin age-appropriate discussions about pornography as early as possible to build a foundation of openness and understanding.


Use Resources

Utilize books like Good Pictures Bad Pictures to help initiate and guide conversations about pornography in a child-friendly manner.


Stay Calm

When your child encounters pornography, react calmly, listen to their feelings, and reassure them that you are there to help and support them.


Understand Exposure

Recognize that accidental exposure to pornography is common, and educate yourself on how to address it constructively.


Practice the Hamburger Method

Use this approach to structure difficult conversations: start with easier topics, address the core issue, and end on a positive note.


Incentivar a comunicação aberta

Foster an environment where your child feels safe discussing difficult topics, and avoid secrecy and judgment.


Be a Safe Person

Ensure your child knows they can turn to you or another trusted adult when they need help or have questions about pornography.


Monitor and Educate

Implement internet filters and educate your child about the risks and impacts of pornography while promoting healthy online habits.


Procurar ajuda profissional

If pornography becomes a serious issue, consider involving a therapist or counselor to provide additional support and guidance.

What Parents and Caregivers Can Do

If you suspect your child has developed a problem with pornography, start by staying calm and listening to their concerns without judgment. Reassure them that they are not in trouble and that you’re there to support them. Educate yourself about the effects of pornography and use this knowledge to guide your discussions in an informed manner.

Discuss the topic with your child using age-appropriate language, emphasizing the potential harms of pornography. Tools like Good Pictures Bad Pictures can be helpful in explaining these issues. Work together to create a safety plan, including strategies for dealing with future encounters and using internet filters to minimize risk.

Monitor your child’s internet use with parental controls and explain why these measures are necessary. If the issue seems severe or persistent, seek the help of a professional counselor or therapist who specializes in this area.

Finally, foster open communication by encouraging regular conversations about pornography and related topics. Ensuring that your child feels comfortable discussing their experiences with you can help prevent secrecy and strengthen your support.

Recursos adicionais

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Lutar contra a pornografia

Devon Mills


O nosso filho de 16 anos foi apanhado a fazer coisas inapropriadas no seu telemóvel. Já tinha sido apanhado antes, foi avisado e foram-lhe impostas mais restrições. Desta vez foi pior. Um dos seus amigos criou uma conta para ele e isso pôs em risco o meu marido, uma vez que o telemóvel está na conta dele. O meu marido está muito aborrecido porque diz que o meu filho não sente remorsos ou não parece arrependido. Esta manhã, o meu marido disse-me que está a pensar seriamente em dar-lhe apenas um telemóvel flip. Não quero mesmo chegar a esse extremo. Penso que com mais restrições e mais orientação ele vai ficar bem. Só me preocupa que isto o afaste ainda mais de nós.

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