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活动 from this 主办人

第 1 课时 - 情绪调节 - 第 1 部分:认识问题所在

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This series equips parents with tools to help their children master emotional regulation, emphasizing the importance of maintaining balanced emotional energy to avoid anxiety, anger, or depression.   You’ll learn key tools to help you and your child recognize and manage stress and anxiety. Understanding and managing energy levels helps parents guide their children toward […]

第 2 课时 - 情绪调节 - 第 1 部分:认识问题所在

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

This series equips parents with tools to help their children master emotional regulation, emphasizing the importance of maintaining balanced emotional energy to avoid anxiety, anger, or depression.   You’ll learn key tools to help you and your child recognize and manage stress and anxiety. Understanding and managing energy levels helps parents guide their children toward […]

Session 1 – Your Child’s Anxiety

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This session focuses on supporting your child's mental health. Many parents share concerns about their child's happiness and anxiety, yet often feel unsure about how to help. This session is designed to equip you with effective tools and strategies to address these challenges.   We'll explore Jenna Riemersma's "Move Toward" method, focusing on the steps […]

夏威夷 - 社交媒体 - 保护您的孩子

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This session discusses how to understand and manage your child's social media use. As parents, navigating the digital world can be challenging, especially with nearly half of teenagers admitting they feel addicted to their smartphones. This session aims to equip you with essential tools and strategies to guide your child in using devices responsibly.   […]

Session 2 – Your Child’s Anxiety

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

This session focuses on supporting your child's mental health. Many parents share concerns about their child's happiness and anxiety, yet often feel unsure about how to help. This session is designed to equip you with effective tools and strategies to address these challenges.   We'll explore Jenna Riemersma's "Move Toward" method, focusing on the steps […]

第 1 课时 - 建立健康的界限

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

在本节课程中,治疗师珍娜-里默斯玛(Jenna Riemersma)就如何在育儿过程中以最终目标为导向建立健康的界限发表了自己的见解。珍娜把养育孩子比作投球:时机和方向是成功的关键。她强调权威型的养育方式--温暖而苛刻--是最有效的养育方式,并敦促父母和照顾者在身体和情感上都要[......]

夏威夷 - 情绪调节 - 第 1 部分:认识问题所在

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

This series equips parents with tools to help their children master emotional regulation, emphasizing the importance of maintaining balanced emotional energy to avoid anxiety, anger, or depression.   You’ll learn key tools to help you and your child recognize and manage stress and anxiety. Understanding and managing energy levels helps parents guide their children toward […]

第 2 课时 - 建立健康的界限

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

在本节课程中,治疗师珍娜-里默斯玛(Jenna Riemersma)就如何在育儿过程中以最终目标为导向建立健康的界限发表了自己的见解。珍娜把养育孩子比作投球:时机和方向是成功的关键。她强调权威型的养育方式--温暖而苛刻--是最有效的养育方式,并敦促父母和照顾者在身体和情感上都要[......]

Session 1 – Grief: The Healing Process After Loss

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

This session, with insights from Dr. Abrams and Dr Wiard, two licensed clinical therapists, explores the multifaceted nature of grief, emphasizing that it extends beyond the loss of life to include various types of personal losses and transitions. Key points include the non-linear progression through the five phases of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. […]

Español – Sesión 1 – Duelo—El proceso de Sanación

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

El duelo es un proceso de toda la vida que nos permite superar nuestras pérdidas y definir el momento presente. Aprenda del Dr. Ted Wiard mientras explica las 5 etapas del duelo y la importancia de experimentar cada una de ellas para iniciar el proceso de sanación. Sepa qué es normal, de qué modo el […]

Session 2 – Grief: The Healing Process After Loss

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

This session, with insights from Dr. Abrams and Dr Wiard, two licensed clinical therapists, explores the multifaceted nature of grief, emphasizing that it extends beyond the loss of life to include various types of personal losses and transitions. Key points include the non-linear progression through the five phases of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. […]

Español – Sesión 2 – Duelo—El proceso de Sanación

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

El duelo es un proceso de toda la vida que nos permite superar nuestras pérdidas y definir el momento presente. Aprenda del Dr. Ted Wiard mientras explica las 5 etapas del duelo y la importancia de experimentar cada una de ellas para iniciar el proceso de sanación. Sepa qué es normal, de qué modo el […]