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活动 from this 主办人

Español – Sesión 2 – Cómo motivar a su hijo

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

¿Tiene dificultades para motivar a su hijo o hija? Si está constantemente reclamándole a su hijo o hija que colabore con los quehaceres del hogar, que limpie su dormitorio o que termine su tarea, acompáñenos a aprender del terapeuta acreditado en familia y matrimonio, Brett Williams, que nos ofrece maneras de motivar a su hijo […]

第 1 课时 - 社交媒体:保护您的孩子

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

本节课将讨论如何了解和管理孩子使用社交媒体的情况。作为父母,驾驭数字世界是一项挑战,尤其是近一半的青少年承认自己沉迷于智能手机。本讲座旨在让您掌握必要的工具和策略,指导孩子负责任地使用设备。我们将 [...]

夏威夷 - 建立健康的界限

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

在本节课程中,治疗师珍娜-里默斯玛(Jenna Riemersma)就如何在育儿过程中以最终目标为导向建立健康的界限发表了自己的见解。珍娜把养育孩子比作投球:时机和方向是成功的关键。她强调权威型的养育方式--温暖而苛刻--是最有效的养育方式,并敦促父母和照顾者在身体和情感上都要[......]

第 2 课 - 社交媒体:保护您的孩子

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

本节课将讨论如何了解和管理孩子使用社交媒体的情况。作为父母,驾驭数字世界是一项挑战,尤其是近一半的青少年承认自己沉迷于智能手机。本讲座旨在让您掌握必要的工具和策略,指导孩子负责任地使用设备。我们将 [...]

第 1 课时 - 支持孩子心理健康的工具

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

The session focuses on providing essential tools and resources for parents to support their child's mental health. It emphasizes the importance of human connection as a protective factor, offers access to free, on-demand mental health resources through ParentGuidance.org, and highlights the value of open communication within families.   The session also addresses the impact of […]

讲座 1 - 支持孩子心理健康的方法

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

¿Se encuentra a usted mismo deseando recibir apoyo parental adicional mientras atraviesa los desafíos diarios que conlleva la crianza de un niño o adolescente? Si usted es un padre o madre que quiere aprender más sobre la salud mental y sobre su hijo, así como sobre las formas de conectarse con su hijo, únase mientras […]

第 2 课时 - 支持孩子心理健康的工具

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

The session focuses on providing essential tools and resources for parents to support their child's mental health. It emphasizes the importance of human connection as a protective factor, offers access to free, on-demand mental health resources through ParentGuidance.org, and highlights the value of open communication within families.   The session also addresses the impact of […]

Sesión 2 – Herramientas para Apoyar la Salud Mental de Su Hijo

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

¿Se encuentra a usted mismo deseando recibir apoyo parental adicional mientras atraviesa los desafíos diarios que conlleva la crianza de un niño o adolescente? Si usted es un padre o madre que quiere aprender más sobre la salud mental y sobre su hijo, así como sobre las formas de conectarse con su hijo, únase mientras […]

第 1 课时 - 活泼好动的孩子:多动症

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

This session provides essential strategies for managing children with ADHD, featuring insights from marriage and family therapist Dr. Kevin Skinner. The session covers recognizing ADHD symptoms, the importance of early diagnosis, and considering genetic factors. Effective management of symptoms through medication, therapy, and behavioral strategies will be explored.   Dr. Skinner emphasizes the importance of […]

第 2 课时 - 活泼好动的孩子:多动症

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

This session provides essential strategies for managing children with ADHD, featuring insights from marriage and family therapist Dr. Kevin Skinner. The session covers recognizing ADHD symptoms, the importance of early diagnosis, and considering genetic factors. Effective management of symptoms through medication, therapy, and behavioral strategies will be explored.   Dr. Skinner emphasizes the importance of […]

第 1 课时 - 欺凌--停止恶性循环

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

This session, with insights from Dr. Melissa Lopez-Larson, addresses the critical issue of bullying across various contexts, including school, social media, sports, and within the home. It aims to educate parents on identifying and addressing bullying by understanding its key characteristics: power imbalance, repetition, and intentional harm.   The session emphasizes the importance of communication, […]

第 2 课时 - 欺凌--停止恶性循环

虚拟 活动 虚拟 活动

This session, with insights from Dr. Melissa Lopez-Larson, addresses the critical issue of bullying across various contexts, including school, social media, sports, and within the home. It aims to educate parents on identifying and addressing bullying by understanding its key characteristics: power imbalance, repetition, and intentional harm.   The session emphasizes the importance of communication, […]