My Husband Lost His Job, What Do We Tell the Kids?

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How to Help Your Child Deal with a Bully

How to Help Your Child Deal with a Bully

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Making better decisions

How Do I Help My Older Child Make Better Decisions?

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How Do I Help My Child Who Is Hurting Themselves?

Why Do Children Self Harm?

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How to help your child be more confident with peers

How to Help Your Child Be More Confident with Peers

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How Can I Help My Child Be Less Sensitive?

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How to help with child anxiety


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What Do You Do With a Child Throwing a Temper Tantrum?

How To Deal With Children Who Are Having Tantrums

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How to work with children who are avoiding tasks

How Do I Work With Children Who Are Avoiding Tasks?

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Dr. Kevin Skinner - Ask a Therapist

How Do I Have Deep Conversations With My Child?

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Dr. Kevin Skinner - Ask a Therapist

What Do You Do When You Don’t Know What to Do.

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Helping Teen Prepare for College

How Do I Help My Child Prepare for College?

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How Do I Help My Child Who Is Hurting Themselves?

How Do I Help My Child Who Is Hurting Themselves?

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My Husband Lost His Job, What Do We Tell the Kids?

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My 13-year-old daughter has disengaged this past year. She no longer enjoys doing the things she use to do. How can we help?

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Our 16-year-old son was caught doing inappropriate things on his phone. He had been caught before, was warned and more restrictions were put. This time it was worse. One of his friends created an account for him and it jeopardized my husband since the phone is in his account. My husband is so upset because he says my son feels no remorse or he doesn’t seem sorry. This morning my husband told me he is seriously considering just giving him a flip phone. I really don’t want to go to that extreme. I think with more restrictions and more guidance he will be okay. I’m just worried this will drive him further away from us.

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I caught my 11-year-old self-harming and I don’t know what to do.

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My 19-year-old daughter moved out of our home in May and is living with a man 10 years older than her. For many reasons, we believe she may have a sexual addiction. We would like to bring up this idea of addiction with her but want to do it in the best, most loving way. Any ideas how we can encourage her to consider this possibility of addiction when she lives far away from us?

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My husband, the father of my children, passed in 2009. I noticed some time after that my son was lying a lot. My son is now 18 and lies about everything. I don’t understand why anyone would lie like this. I taught my children the importance of being honest and l have done my best to lead by example.

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My 33-year-old daughter recently moved back in with me with her six kids and I realize that she doesn’t parent at all. And, my daughter does not work and expects me to pay all the bills. She’s not even taking care of the house or cleaning up herself. If I say anything she doesn’t like, she threatens to move out and not let me see my grandkids. I’m at my wits end what do I do?

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My ex tells my almost 15-year-old son that I want nothing to do with him. He has changed the way my son treats me, it’s horrible.

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I have caught my daughter throwing up in the shower several times. I don’t know how to approach this with her. I am terrified that she has bulimia.

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How am I supposed to handle a situation where my children are being bullied and treated badly by their other parent (divorce). My kids confide in me but are not able to tell anyone else about the events, thus making it very hard to correct. How do I encourage them to be able to speak honestly about their behavior?

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Our son has mental illness, he lives with us, he’s 30, we give him his meds everyday, he has no job, no friends, no motivation, sleeps all day and paces all night. What’s the next step for us?

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My almost 17-year-old son knows about his father’s pornography addiction and he seems to have resentment toward me. He adores his father and I feel that his father has been very calculated and subtle in trying to destroy my relationship with my son.

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How can I talk with my depressed child about improving their grades or working more diligently on improving themselves?

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